Book Reviews

Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World – Zig Ziglar

Lately, I've been asking myself all sorts of questions: Am I raising my children the right way? Am I the right example for them? Do I act accordingly? These are questions I can’t objectively answer, and others will probably give me different answers.

The Man Who Loved Seagulls – Osho

This article will be a little different. I’ve "strayed" from business/leadership books and read an interesting book about Osho and Zen thinking (thank you, Andrei, for this book!).

Coaching for Performance – Sir John Whitmore

I’ve finished this book as well. It’s quite interesting, a bit challenging at times (we hear more and more about the concept of coaching, but I think there are still very few people who fully understand what this process truly entails and how it should be applied)

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